NHS Friends & Family Test Results

The NHS Friends and Family Test is a way of gathering your feedback, so we can continually review our service.

It is based on two simple questions:

"How likely are you to recommend Blackthorn Health Centre to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?"

"If we could change one thing about your care or treatment to improve your experience, what would it be?"

Your feedback will help us learn more about what you think of your experience – what you like and what you think we could improve. Ultimately, you’re helping us to make changes that will ensure we can offer the best possible care.



Select year:
  • 62% Extremely Likely
  • 26% Likely
  • 6% Neither Likely nor Unlikely
  • 3% Unlikely
  • 3% Extremely Unlikely
  • 0% Don't Know
Month / Year Extremely Likely Likely Neither Likely nor Unlikely Unlikely Extremely Unlikely Don't Know
Jan 2024 49 13 2 0 1 0
Feb 2024 25 11 3 1 3 0
Mar 2024 43 14 4 1 1 0
Apr 2024 32 16 1 0 1 0
May 2024 34 16 8 4 3 0
Jun 2024 41 14 5 3 1 0
Jul 2024 17 18 2 2 1 0
Aug 2024 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sep 2024 0 0 0 0 0 0
Oct 2024 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nov 2024 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dec 2024 0 0 0 0 0 0

Patient feedback

We asked the question:
If we could change one thing about your care or treatment to improve your experience, what would it be?

My experiences have all been positive
Posted on: 22/07/2024

More appointments. Facility to book appointments even if we have to wait 3 - 4 weeks. When you have to phone up to one week later the appointments have all gone. I personally wait to see if the problem resolves before wanting an appointment.
Posted on: 20/07/2024

On my visits to the surgery I’ve always found both admin and medical staff to be friendly, helpful and informative. I haven’t encountered any issues with speaking to relevant members of staff or getting appointments when needed.
Posted on: 20/07/2024

My experience of attending for a blood test with your HCA was very quick and efficient, nothing to be improved.
Posted on: 20/07/2024

Take it more seriously and be quicker, try to address the root of the issue and not just provide short term solutions that don’t fix anything.
Posted on: 19/07/2024

Booking appointment isn’t difficult but it’s the wait for an available appointment that can be distressing.
Posted on: 18/07/2024

Nothing. The Nurses at the Surgery are great. Always on time, kind and helpful
Posted on: 18/07/2024

I had a great experience, call back service, received a doctor triage call the same day and received a blood test the next day which was great. From previous experience more face to face appointments more readily available when required, waiting times reduced within a week.
Posted on: 17/07/2024

Be able to be seen for an emergency as soon as possible and be able to book an appointment to see a doctor rather than waiting for a call back
Posted on: 17/07/2024

1. Being able to see Doctor in the first place rather than waiting to see others. The result a 4 week delay that could and should have been avoided. 2. Why should I have to make 4 telephone calls to get subsequent appointment because your appointment system only works 2 weeks ahead.
Posted on: 17/07/2024

Quicker access to a doctor and staying with one doctor who knows you
Posted on: 16/07/2024

It’s a good, reliable local surgery.
Posted on: 14/07/2024

Nothing needs to be changed - all good.
Posted on: 13/07/2024

Making doctors more accessible
Posted on: 12/07/2024

All went very smoothly.
Posted on: 11/07/2024

Ability to get a face to face appointment
Posted on: 11/07/2024

I had a telephone consultation with a lovely doctor who answered all my questions thoroughly My only concern is that the call was scheduled for between 3-5 I was worried I may miss the call
Posted on: 09/07/2024

Shorter wait for an appointment
Posted on: 07/07/2024

Very prompt service
Posted on: 06/07/2024

Easier quicker appointments
Posted on: 05/07/2024

Better/quicker telephone answering
Posted on: 05/07/2024

Calm in surgery . Short wait only . Kind and competent nurse .
Posted on: 03/07/2024

Blood test was very straightforward and the staff friendly. My annual heart consultation with Corine was excellent and helpful
Posted on: 03/07/2024

To be able to get a doctors appointment within the week . I would only book a doctors appointment, if i could not sort my health myself .
Posted on: 03/07/2024

Excellent care all round
Posted on: 02/07/2024

Nothing - it was a great experience Quick, easy and friendly Thank you
Posted on: 02/07/2024

Perfectly happy thank you
Posted on: 02/07/2024

My appointment was right on time
Posted on: 02/07/2024

more appointments and not having to wait 2 weeks to see a doctor
Posted on: 01/07/2024

Nothing to change, had excellent telephone consult today
Posted on: 28/06/2024

Easier access to GP
Posted on: 28/06/2024

Very happy thanks
Posted on: 28/06/2024

Thanks for very helpful and efficient consultation.with nurse I missed directions to the lift which would have helped me.Will know next time!
Posted on: 28/06/2024

My PSA blood test went as planned. I went in on time. Nothing needed to be improved on this occasion
Posted on: 26/06/2024

To be able to see a doctor rather than a phone call
Posted on: 26/06/2024

On time, friendly staff, no complications. Easy to book in and quick appointment date.
Posted on: 21/06/2024

There is nothing I could fault or change on my visit! Thankyou to all at Blackthorn health centre!
Posted on: 21/06/2024

I can not find fault with the staff for my recent blood tests, and able to clearly give me the results of last month's. I also, with staff assistance, was able to use their new all singing up to date machine, that does not just your blood pressure but Bmi, pulse, height, body fat. Especially good if trying to get to the correct weight for an operation, but also leading the surgery to ask me to check my BP for a week. The receptionist was able to book my next appointment, and give me guidance as to when to ring to get an appointment with my designated GP, that is the only issue as the GPs availability is restricted, due to the number of clients at the surgery.
Posted on: 21/06/2024

I feel it’s too much of a stressful battle to see a doctor. You’ve almost got to be feeling well to battle on. And the wait for example if you have a blood test , fair enough the wait for result, but it’s then a long wait for a doctor to ring you. You come off the phone a bit blindsided and wish you’d asked more.
Posted on: 20/06/2024

Telephone appointment good but could of been quicker
Posted on: 20/06/2024

Online booking system for routine GP appointments. At the moment you have to call every day first thing to try and get a routine appointment that are released each day. This means the surgery have to constantly answer to the same person each day until an appointment is free.
Posted on: 19/06/2024

Easier availability of appointments, it would be beneficial to all if weekends were an option
Posted on: 19/06/2024

I was very impressed with Dr.Hu's attention to my issues and the clarity he gave in what to do and what would happen next. I have, in the past, found it rather difficult to get an appointment. It was easy this time.
Posted on: 19/06/2024

Be able to get a face to face appointment when that’s what was recommended from an e-consult. Instead I was offered a telephone appointment which is in essence the same as an e consult! At my phone appt the dr booked me in on the same day for a face to face.
Posted on: 19/06/2024

Only being with the practice since December 2024 in all dealings with you on behalf of myself and my husband found every single occasion and outcome has been second to none. Efficient , friendly and informative.
Posted on: 19/06/2024

If the blood test would have been available more quickly, that would have been better. I had to wait 10 days for an available appointment.
Posted on: 18/06/2024

Of course, it goes without saying as everyone feels the same way l,but actually, i would love to go back to the old system. I can't thank everyone at Blackthorne they treat me with so much respect and care.
Posted on: 16/06/2024

This was routine blood test - dealt with efficiently and on time.
Posted on: 15/06/2024

Ability to book appointment online
Posted on: 15/06/2024

Blood test appointment was very efficient with no waiting Skilful nurse hit vein first time Ne bleeding or bruising
Posted on: 15/06/2024

Toys for children in the waiting room would make the wait more bearable with children
Posted on: 14/06/2024

Make it easier to make an appointment
Posted on: 14/06/2024

Make it easier to get face to face appointments with GP. The nurses have been amazing, but sometimes you need to see a doctor face to face and not just at the end of the phone
Posted on: 13/06/2024

Friendly and helpful reception staff GP made time to answer all my questions
Posted on: 12/06/2024

Earlier appoinment
Posted on: 12/06/2024

Satisfied in all respects to the service offered and delivered by this practice.
Posted on: 11/06/2024

Waiting time. 6 weeks to get an appointment is not satsfactory.
Posted on: 11/06/2024

More personalised contact
Posted on: 11/06/2024

Excellent treatment and management .
Posted on: 08/06/2024

This practice and all the staff here are amazing. Im so thankful i live in their area.
Posted on: 08/06/2024

The kindness and excellent professionalism
Posted on: 06/06/2024

Had a great experience with Martina, you can see she is someone who is very caring and professional.
Posted on: 06/06/2024

No complaints at all everyone very helpful
Posted on: 04/06/2024

The appointment was over 20 mins late which would have been difficult if I had my toddler with me but I didn’t so was fine! T try he nurses were great, so informative and friendly. They were so good with my eldest too.
Posted on: 31/05/2024

Continuity of care
Posted on: 31/05/2024

It was very good- timely and professional
Posted on: 30/05/2024

I was dealt with in a very friendly manner so have no problems to report
Posted on: 30/05/2024

Stop merging the practices
Posted on: 30/05/2024

Some times I would like to do a face to face
Posted on: 29/05/2024

Give a reasonable lead time to be able to see a doctor
Posted on: 28/05/2024

It would be good if you could book your next appointment on the way out of the surgery . Especially when your doctor has said they need to see you in x number of weeks.
Posted on: 26/05/2024

For the last two appointments I have had, I wouldn't change anything. I only had to wait a couple of minutes & I felt the very pleasant Doctor actually listened to what I was saying. Long may it continue!
Posted on: 25/05/2024

Nothing. The HCA was brilliant
Posted on: 24/05/2024

Nothing. Quick, efficient, friendly.
Posted on: 24/05/2024

Great doctors surgery
Posted on: 24/05/2024

Huge thanks to the NAs that practice phlebotomy. So pleasant and helpful.
Posted on: 23/05/2024

Speedy service. Nurse was good with explaining and made me feel relaxed
Posted on: 23/05/2024

Face to face appointment was much better than previous telephone appt thank you.
Posted on: 22/05/2024

Writing a note to a doctor saves reception team time and helps to avoid cluttering phone lines. Response to notes is slow and sometimes no response is received. Effort could perhaps be put into improving response times. That said, doctors do appear to be overloaded with patients and obviously cannot possibly meet the needs of everyone requiring attention.
Posted on: 22/05/2024

This does NOT apply to most recent visit, but onger/less rushed appointment times as further visits are invariably needed if nitball matters covered
Posted on: 21/05/2024

Make the reception team more friendly
Posted on: 21/05/2024

To be offered appointments at other local surgery’s if none are available at Blackthorn as per the government’s direction
Posted on: 19/05/2024

Be able to see a doctor sooner or one at all
Posted on: 19/05/2024

They are professional and friendly.
Posted on: 18/05/2024

Good service and friendly staff.
Posted on: 17/05/2024

Have more face to face GP appointments
Posted on: 17/05/2024

Good communication, reminders Wait for an appointment acceptable Convenient location Helpful staff and doctors
Posted on: 17/05/2024

Waiting time to book an appointment
Posted on: 16/05/2024

More face to face appointments
Posted on: 15/05/2024

Nothing. I was able to get an appointment just a few days ahead. I arrived early and was seen early and left the practice early. Friendly helpful nurse.
Posted on: 14/05/2024

Nothing to change. This was a routine three monthly injection and the service was courteous friendly and efficient,as it almost invariably is .
Posted on: 10/05/2024

I only had to see a nurse which was good but when you try to book doctors it always is much more difficult
Posted on: 10/05/2024

When i have a blood test I usually go in on time, if not early. Nurses are very friendly and its done very quickly.
Posted on: 08/05/2024

As i write on every occasion when i answer this question, make improvents to your telephone system. I was actually 20th in the queue on the last occasion that i rang.
Posted on: 08/05/2024

It was a smooth and effective experience and couldn't be improved
Posted on: 04/05/2024

Nothing, nurse was lovely
Posted on: 03/05/2024

None - all was excellent from booking the appointment to having the blood staff . The staff were friendly , kind & very efficient .
Posted on: 02/05/2024

My Asthma clinic appointment was entirely unnecessary but ended up attending after the constant badgering. Felt very much like a box tick for your KPI’s My health check was excellent with the nurse explaining all the steps to assess risk, the factors considered and how the information was presented. All happened without delays.
Posted on: 02/05/2024

Spot on yesterday, big thank you to Dr Tomson for his help
Posted on: 01/05/2024

Improved Accessibility of GP appointments
Posted on: 01/05/2024

To go back to pre covid times where speaking / seeing a GP was more accesible. Also less waiting time to get an appointment. Diagnosing and prescribing antibiotics without seeing your patient without physical examination is not ideal!
Posted on: 01/05/2024

More availability of same day face to face appointments
Posted on: 30/04/2024

As long as i can see a Doctor face to face earlier I'm happy.Trouble is it takes awhile for a face to face so anxiety starts to creeps in.
Posted on: 27/04/2024

The sign in screen wasn't working, so I was unsure for some minutes about whether I would be called. However, once I was called by the relevant nurse, I was treated very well and in a very friendly manner.
Posted on: 26/04/2024

No improvement needed, the nurse was very good at administering the B12 injection.
Posted on: 26/04/2024

Quicker appointments. Follow up appointments instead of giving medicines and then no follow up.
Posted on: 26/04/2024

No recommendations. Check-in was easy, appointment was on time, nurse very friendly and knowledgable. Very happy with my experience. Many thanks.
Posted on: 25/04/2024

Patient centered care - provide in person appointment that demonstrate professionalism
Posted on: 24/04/2024

The attention that I received yesterday (23 April at 13:00) from practice nurse Paula was excellent. I cannot think how it could be improved.
Posted on: 24/04/2024

Ease of making appointments
Posted on: 23/04/2024

Had very good service at practice this week with both nurses and dr Green
Posted on: 23/04/2024

If it’s not broke don’t bother fixing it. You are all doing a great job. Long may it continue.
Posted on: 23/04/2024

My appointment was late, but the receptionist was very pleasant and informative. The doctor was excellent and put me at ease over my health concerns.
Posted on: 19/04/2024

More access to actually see the doctors.
Posted on: 17/04/2024

Absolutely nothing. Its first rate in every sense , prompt, very professional and confidence inspiring. A great team.
Posted on: 17/04/2024

Very efficient
Posted on: 16/04/2024

Great staff and service, appointment was on time.
Posted on: 13/04/2024

I have only had cause to visit the Practice for a face-to-face appointment on 2 occasions since joining as a registered patient last year. Both visits were a very positive experience for me where the thoroughness of enquiry and professionalism of the medical team shone through most clearly.
Posted on: 12/04/2024

Quick treatment, not much waiting time.
Posted on: 09/04/2024

Very quick service to take blood tests once I’d got an appointment.
Posted on: 09/04/2024

My experience has always been very good why change ir.
Posted on: 09/04/2024

Nothing it was a kind friendly and professional appointment
Posted on: 09/04/2024

As first appointment was 8am have the front door open just a few minutes before - or make first appointment 8.05?
Posted on: 06/04/2024

Linked up care. There appears to be no link between consultant and GP services. So an Xray, which has to be done through a consultant is not looked at and follllowed up on by the GP. Instead the patient has to sit on an extremelly llong consultant waiting list. The GP who knows the patient history appears to have no follow up prompt. Having said that, if the patient takes it into their own hands and pursues the GP, it is possible to get a quick follow up appointment.
Posted on: 05/04/2024

Have some simple intructions somewhere obvious that explain what we can do ourselves and how. It just seems to be assumed that we know. Eg Which app does what, how to request reoeat orescriptions (it doesnt seem to be possible on my nhs app), what appointments, if any, we could book online and which days to call for roitine appts.
Posted on: 05/04/2024

Nothing. I arrived early, was called in before I even had time to sit down in the waiting room and was out again before my appointment time.
Posted on: 03/04/2024

Magic every time,I dont like the telephone appointments though.
Posted on: 03/04/2024

Nothing care is excellent everything explainsed to me Made to feel like a person not just a number
Posted on: 03/04/2024

Very happy as it is.
Posted on: 30/03/2024

I had to wait 2 weeks to be seen for a non emergency appointment and had to book at 8am to get that. Maybe make it easier with times to call and book.
Posted on: 29/03/2024

NA as every appointment I have had has been on time or early and the staff are always friendly and professional .
Posted on: 26/03/2024

Nothing to be changed yesterday for the care I was given,
Posted on: 23/03/2024

Seeing or speaking to the same doctor to ensure continuity of care.
Posted on: 23/03/2024

We joined Blackthorn health centre almost 2 years ago and both my husband and I have always been so impressed with the care us and our daughters have received. We wouldn’t change anything.
Posted on: 22/03/2024

Good , prompt and friendly service
Posted on: 22/03/2024

I can always get the appointment when needed, Nurses are fantastic.
Posted on: 21/03/2024

I was having a sugar level blood test and i was in and out within 5 mins excellent. However this was a second appointment as the first time i had appointed to have it at The Hubb, but as not having the right paperwork was usable. I would have thought everything would have been computerised today ?
Posted on: 21/03/2024

In fact, I do not have any complaints to make about Blackthorn Health Centre or it's excellent staff. This a a sincere thank you for the time and extra effort involved in putting on the Merger information sessions. After very long days, for all staff, it is much appreciated that this additional need is met. Kind Regards
Posted on: 21/03/2024

Coming in for blood work is a pleasure. The staff are very professional. Thanks for the positive experience.
Posted on: 19/03/2024

Everthing was great. All staff friendly and helpful. I could not fault a single moment .
Posted on: 17/03/2024

More available appointments, however my appointment with the asthma nurse this week was excellent. I learned things about my asthma i didnt know and felt a plan for improvement was so welcome
Posted on: 16/03/2024

I feel nervous about seeing a different doctor each time and so do not make the most of my visit
Posted on: 16/03/2024

Make it easier to contact a GP, e consult takes ages and isn’t always relevant or accessible
Posted on: 16/03/2024

Seeing the same doctore ach time
Posted on: 16/03/2024

Nothing so far so good for me
Posted on: 15/03/2024

Nothing All good . I will be unable to attend the meeting concerning the merger. However I am happy to receive the meeting outcome.
Posted on: 15/03/2024

No change, very knowledgeable and helpful.
Posted on: 14/03/2024

Joined up thinking between people who initiate the call for blood tests. For example I had a blood test booked. A week before I had another call for blood test. I could not join then up and had to make separate appointment.
Posted on: 14/03/2024

Nothing Extremely professional
Posted on: 14/03/2024

Very happy with the efficiency of the practice.
Posted on: 13/03/2024

improve patient appointment system back to what it was like before Covid. If your patient list has increased, employ extra 1 or 2 G.P's? if at all posible! Apart from this I am very happy with my treatment re Blood tests.
Posted on: 12/03/2024

I am extremely happy with my care and treatment.
Posted on: 09/03/2024

Nothing! The nurse was lovely & explained eveeythung.
Posted on: 08/03/2024

Difficult to say because they are excellent
Posted on: 08/03/2024

I have always had excellent attention and care from the staff at Blackthorn health centre especially the clinical nurses. Long may it continue. Thank you so much Mike Barfoot
Posted on: 08/03/2024

I can’t fault any experience we have with the surgery.
Posted on: 08/03/2024

Shorter wait time for appointment
Posted on: 08/03/2024

To be able to arrange a follow up call from a doctor
Posted on: 08/03/2024

Nothing to change, just visiting for a blood test
Posted on: 08/03/2024

The time lapse between asking for a face to face appointment to actually seeing a doctor is far too long. I know of other practices around eastern Southampton that can be seen on the day or certainly next day. After gaining an appointment I feel the service and advice very good.
Posted on: 07/03/2024

Nursing assistants have lovely bedside manner - it is a pleasure to see them. The receptionists are helpful and really try to do their best to help the clients ( sadly not always this way in the past) Keep it up!
Posted on: 07/03/2024

Nothing, couldn’t be improved.
Posted on: 05/03/2024

The ladies that man the phones are always polite and helpful.
Posted on: 05/03/2024

To be seen by the same doctor for each appointment as I feel there is no continuity seeing someone different every time you make an appointment.
Posted on: 05/03/2024

Sometimes difficult to make a face to face appointment.
Posted on: 01/03/2024

Shorter waiting for dates.
Posted on: 01/03/2024

Nothing. Efficient, on time, appropriate advice
Posted on: 27/02/2024

I was extremely happy with my appointment,the receptionists were very helpful and friendly when making a telephone appointment and the Doctor I saw was extremely kind and thorough,just more of the same please
Posted on: 27/02/2024

Nothing it was an easy experience. Nurse was friendly and lovely and reception staff excellent.
Posted on: 23/02/2024

To make it easier to have a face to face appointment system.
Posted on: 22/02/2024

Everything went very well for me today thank you. So good to be seen in person by the clinical pharmacist who was very understanding and helpful.
Posted on: 21/02/2024

Have more GP phone back appointment slots. Have just been told to call back later in the week, as there are no appointment slots available and they can't book beyond two weeks ahead. Nor do they keep a waiting list of those waiting for a phone appointment. Not really a surprise that the phone lines are so clogged up (only a 30 minute wait this time) ,when you just get told to call back! This is a waste of the reception teams time, apart from anything else.
Posted on: 21/02/2024

I had a blood test, I waited just 5 minutes before a nurse took blood from my left arm in no more than 4 minutes. Expect to hear results on Monday in a call from Dr Shahsavenpour.
Posted on: 21/02/2024

The practice itself is very good, with friendly staff in all areas from the administrative staff to the nurses. They listen and try to help with getting you appointments ASAP or can refer you to another surgery if it's quicker. The nurses especially are very friendly and understanding. I would change the frequency of e consulting from 1 say a week (Thursday) to 2 minimum, I'd also change the long winded information part when phoning the surgery, making it a separate option or using it while waiting for someone to pick up.
Posted on: 21/02/2024

Easier access to appointments
Posted on: 21/02/2024

To be able to book an appointment with a dr in person that isn't 2 weeks away.
Posted on: 20/02/2024

Reduce delays for an appointment.
Posted on: 19/02/2024

Quicker appointments
Posted on: 18/02/2024

Ability to book non emergency appointments. However, overall I find the practice is helpful and good.
Posted on: 17/02/2024

Make it easier to have face to face appt when requested
Posted on: 16/02/2024

Be more joined up with other NHS activity
Posted on: 16/02/2024

Ability to actually submit an econsult. It's never on, been trying for 3 days. 8:20am, 8:40am and 8:30am. At capacity. Advises to call the practice, who then tell you to submit an econsult. Ridiculous
Posted on: 16/02/2024

Nothing it was good
Posted on: 15/02/2024

Nothing - the practise is well run with extremely professional staff that understand what patients need and deliver on time.
Posted on: 10/02/2024

I really appreciated having a next day in person appointment. Thank you.
Posted on: 09/02/2024

Nothing, nurse was lovely, reception is fab. Totally straightforward.
Posted on: 09/02/2024

Make appointments more accessible, go back to on line appointments bookings
Posted on: 09/02/2024

This was a routine blood test. The appointment was on time. The nurse was friendly and efficient.
Posted on: 09/02/2024

Happy with my experience - not a long wait on the phone, booked in the following week , happy with service received thank you
Posted on: 08/02/2024

Would be helpful if Drs actual following appointment times
Posted on: 08/02/2024

Not having to wait so long to see a doctor
Posted on: 08/02/2024

A very positive visit and arranged without last years angst .
Posted on: 08/02/2024

No I have always experienced good care at Blackthorn
Posted on: 08/02/2024

I was happy withy care
Posted on: 07/02/2024

Easier access to GP
Posted on: 07/02/2024

Treatment was efficient as wxpected and fully explained
Posted on: 06/02/2024

Always listen to you when explaining your symptoms, careing &thorough. Never had any complaint or problem with this practice
Posted on: 02/02/2024

Getting vwry hard to get face to face doctor appointments.
Posted on: 02/02/2024

The reception and nursing staff are very professional, helpful and understanding.
Posted on: 02/02/2024

Your receptionists are verhelpful Nothing Your receptionists are all very helpful and understanding. Your nurses are all lovely and so considerate. A big thank you to you all, especially the doctors.
Posted on: 02/02/2024

Ensure equipment is suitable
Posted on: 31/01/2024

The electronic checking board is not very sensitive to my touch.
Posted on: 30/01/2024

There wasn't anything that needed improving.
Posted on: 30/01/2024

Be able to book a face to face appointment with a GP up to 1 month n advance for non-urgent matters.
Posted on: 30/01/2024

Attended for a blood test which was undertaken on time and by a very friendly nurse.
Posted on: 27/01/2024

Nothing everything good.
Posted on: 27/01/2024

In my opinion don't change something thats not broken. Keep up your excellent work
Posted on: 26/01/2024

Short waiting times when calling in for appointments .
Posted on: 26/01/2024

Wanted a cholesterol check. Appointment arranged with call from medicines manager. In and out with nurse in 5 minutes from start to finish. No change needed on this occasion
Posted on: 25/01/2024

I had a consultation with a Doctor which was good.
Posted on: 25/01/2024

Nothing I’m very impressed both with the nurse who took my blood test and the Dr who sorted out my health issues The receptionists are also very helpful and kind
Posted on: 25/01/2024

Classical music in the waiting room would relax people, I think.
Posted on: 24/01/2024

It appears that the staff are much more aware and understanding of patient cocerns - a very good thing. We are out to help each other not create obstacles. Thanks to all.
Posted on: 23/01/2024

As i have said before, a more efficient telephone system. This may mean more people answering or more lines available.
Posted on: 19/01/2024

Quickly seen, limited time in waiting room, friendly healthcare staff.
Posted on: 18/01/2024

Receptionist seemed bit crabby
Posted on: 18/01/2024

My actual appointment could not have been improved. At reception while checking in and making further appointments before i left the surgery could have been a more pleasant experience
Posted on: 17/01/2024

Improve phone contact time
Posted on: 17/01/2024

Nothing, I was very happy with my care. Thank you
Posted on: 17/01/2024

I wouldn't change anything. Everyone was extremely helpful and friendly!
Posted on: 16/01/2024

As ever, I experienced excellent service from pleasant and highly professional staff and can offer no suggested areas for improvement.
Posted on: 12/01/2024

Less waiting times on the phone and easier to get an appointment, however Dr Shar was fantastic today
Posted on: 12/01/2024

Would not change anything
Posted on: 12/01/2024

More face to face consultation
Posted on: 11/01/2024

Quick and efficient blood test
Posted on: 11/01/2024

To be able to see doctor more often face to face when need to instead of phone calls.
Posted on: 11/01/2024

The only negative was the electronic booking in system was down. But the receptionist was lovely and dealt with everyone efficiently and politely
Posted on: 10/01/2024

Very helpful and pleasant staff.
Posted on: 10/01/2024

Perfect think it’s the nicest surgery I’ve belonged to and smiling nice help ful staff
Posted on: 10/01/2024

M increase availability if face to face appointments
Posted on: 10/01/2024

My appointment was on time , pleasant and efficient. For this particular appointment, I do not think it could be improved.
Posted on: 09/01/2024

All the staff at Blackthorn surgery are brilliant and always on hand to help.
Posted on: 09/01/2024

The practice nurse was welcoming, friendly and most competent. I can’t see any room for improvement!
Posted on: 07/01/2024

I work in primary caremyself so know what youre up against. I have always had good service for both chronic disease management and acute care. It takes a long while to get to the front of the phone queue now but i know that is quite common.
Posted on: 06/01/2024

To be able to see a Doctor
Posted on: 05/01/2024

Quicker appointments on seeing a doctor.
Posted on: 05/01/2024

I wouldn’t change a thing. It was fast, efficient, excellent. Nurse Tara was lovely and professional.
Posted on: 30/12/2023

Making doctors appointments more accessible
Posted on: 25/12/2023

To be able to see a doctor would be good instead of phone call appointments
Posted on: 23/12/2023

First visit since moving to hamble and it was for my sons flu vaccine. I was blown away to be honest, it was quick, easy and everyone was so nice and helpful to me and my son. A great practice. Thankyou to all
Posted on: 23/12/2023

It would be great to see the results of a blood test in writing, explaining what was tested and the results. A simple "It was fine", isn't really enough is it? Online would do.
Posted on: 22/12/2023

Make it easier for GP appointments possibly without a call back
Posted on: 21/12/2023

Wifi signal to log in on the app.
Posted on: 19/12/2023

The Nurse I had yesterday was a very nice person- I would not change a thing 10 out of 10
Posted on: 19/12/2023

Nothing about the treatment but queue for telephone is sometimes ridiculous….
Posted on: 15/12/2023

The doctor was great with my son and put him at ease
Posted on: 14/12/2023

Make it easier to get econsult or face-to-face appts. Too few of both available.
Posted on: 14/12/2023

No complains. I was late with my appointment and a lady on the recepsion did her best to proceed with my treatment at the same time. Thank you.
Posted on: 14/12/2023

Improve first contact accessibility for making appointments, queries etc, by improving phone waiting times.
Posted on: 14/12/2023

Length of time to get an appointment by phone was 25 minutes on hold
Posted on: 13/12/2023

Long wait times for appointments
Posted on: 12/12/2023

On line appointment booking with set times & dates.
Posted on: 10/12/2023

All was excellent many thanks
Posted on: 09/12/2023

Able to see the doctor at a shorter time
Posted on: 08/12/2023

Nothing to change
Posted on: 07/12/2023

Nothing adverse to comment on, the whole experience is friendly and very helpful.
Posted on: 06/12/2023

Perfect experience.
Posted on: 05/12/2023

Seeing a doctor. Since covid its all fallen apart.
Posted on: 05/12/2023

Being able to make an appointment
Posted on: 02/12/2023

I arrived 10 minutes before my alloted appointment.i was then called in after 3 mins had my blood expertly taken.great service.
Posted on: 02/12/2023

I have no complaints about the nurses or reception team. However getting through on the telephone can take some time.
Posted on: 01/12/2023

Face to face appointment
Posted on: 30/11/2023

The care And treatment once you get your appointment is amazing. Getting the appointment itself is the hard task.
Posted on: 30/11/2023

Make it easier to get a face to face appointment
Posted on: 29/11/2023

For blood tests nothing - always quick, efficient and a pleasant experience.
Posted on: 28/11/2023

On todays experience I would change nothing I had a very thorough diabetic review . My appointment was very well conducted and i was seen petfectly on time
Posted on: 28/11/2023

I have been with blackthorn since it opened and have received excellent treatment for all the years I have asked for treatment, many thanks to the doctors and staff for keeping me healthy.
Posted on: 24/11/2023

My experience has always been good so i don't know.
Posted on: 22/11/2023

No improvement necessary all good, have no complaints arcall
Posted on: 22/11/2023

Wouldn’t change anything- excellent service.
Posted on: 22/11/2023

Nothing. Went in before appointment time. Very efficient service.
Posted on: 21/11/2023

Face to face with Dr, resolved my queries
Posted on: 18/11/2023

No problems wuth my recent visit, nothing to improve. Thank you.
Posted on: 18/11/2023

Would be nice not to have to wait so long to see doctor
Posted on: 18/11/2023

I cannot think of anything. My treatment was good & successful.
Posted on: 17/11/2023

I was satisfied with the quality of the service so I have no improvements to suggest
Posted on: 16/11/2023

Seen in the, nurse was very informative and professional
Posted on: 16/11/2023

Veryy pleased with the appointment very smooth and great service
Posted on: 14/11/2023

Came in for a blood test, the whole patient journey was excellent, thank you.
Posted on: 14/11/2023

I have no suggestions - pleased to say the team have always done their best for me
Posted on: 14/11/2023

Ive always been very proud to have such a great doctor service. I always get appointments and gelp when needed. Always friendly and gelpul. Best surgery ever.
Posted on: 11/11/2023

Shorter waiting time for appointment
Posted on: 09/11/2023

More appointments being available for a quicker response please.
Posted on: 02/11/2023

More face to face appointments.
Posted on: 01/11/2023

Faster appointments and f/u treatments such as blood tests
Posted on: 01/11/2023

Waiting times at reception. Queued for 20 minutes meaning I was booked in 15 minutes after my appointment. Online check-in wasn't working.
Posted on: 31/10/2023

I wont change a to improve Blackthorn, I have always found staff to be friendly, helpful and professional!
Posted on: 29/10/2023

Nothing to change all good
Posted on: 27/10/2023

Excellent care
Posted on: 27/10/2023

Great service and kept to appointment time perfectly
Posted on: 26/10/2023

Nothing great service and friendly staff
Posted on: 25/10/2023

Be able to get quicker appointments rather than having to wait several weeks before being seen.
Posted on: 25/10/2023

Nothing. Really happy with my experience.
Posted on: 25/10/2023

Great, friendly service
Posted on: 24/10/2023

Shorter wait times - f2f and phone with Medical staff and Nurses.
Posted on: 21/10/2023

Waiting times are very long when calling the surgery
Posted on: 20/10/2023

Attended for a requested blood test. I also provided some BP readings to be recorded. As a result, am now booked in for a health check, so very grateful.
Posted on: 20/10/2023

Less time in the waiting room
Posted on: 19/10/2023

Nothing. I was seen by the nurse for a blood test . I was seen within 2 minutes of arriving. All very quick and efficient
Posted on: 19/10/2023

Nothing! Great service as always!
Posted on: 18/10/2023

I am very happy with the treatment provided to me.
Posted on: 17/10/2023

Make more face to face appointments and make them easier to access
Posted on: 17/10/2023

That you can see a doctor quicker when you need to and not have to wait 3 weeks as it normally is at the moment.
Posted on: 17/10/2023

Everything satisfactory
Posted on: 17/10/2023

My doctor was great, receptionist was very friendly, my only complaint is that my appointment was 25 minutes late, but I understand that it was busy and alot of people were waiting.
Posted on: 16/10/2023

I find reception very blunt at times
Posted on: 14/10/2023

I had a very positive experience. The reception team were nice and the doctor I saw was very helpful. I was seen quickly and had all my questions answered.
Posted on: 14/10/2023

More timely access to appointments when not ‘urgent on the day’
Posted on: 13/10/2023

I find all staff very helpful given the resource contraints they face.
Posted on: 13/10/2023

I have only been with your practice for a couple of months, but i am really impressed with everything up to now. Everyone from receptionists nurses doctors have been first rate
Posted on: 10/10/2023

A simple procedure carried out in a timely and efficient manner.
Posted on: 10/10/2023

Its not so much the treatment its about accessing those treatments
Posted on: 07/10/2023

Very happy with our care , treatment and staff.
Posted on: 06/10/2023

Carry out blood test same day as gp appointment at practice or provide facility at a local pharmacy on same day.
Posted on: 05/10/2023

I don’t like to talk to the receptionist about my personal problems of why I need to see a dr, sometimes this is over the phone or they ask the reason at the desk. I appreciate it helps the dr know why we need to see them, but feel it’s something that shouldn’t be discussed with the receptionist.
Posted on: 04/10/2023

I loved the set up in early for a blood test litterly in and out reception was helpful and understanding and the the nurse was relley lovely and wonderful I wished I joined your practice sooner
Posted on: 29/09/2023

My child’s treatment was absolutely perfect. I came away feeling listened to and reassured that he will have the treatment he needs
Posted on: 28/09/2023

Less waiting time on the telephone to reception.
Posted on: 26/09/2023

Ease of booking face to face appointments
Posted on: 26/09/2023

Not to have to wait 3 weeks to see a GP.
Posted on: 26/09/2023

Think everything is fine at the Practice. Sometimes difficult to get through on the phone but this seems to have improved enormously.
Posted on: 26/09/2023

Make it easier to get a GP appointment, it is extremely hard to navigate the system. When I did eventually see a GP I was extremely satisfied with the care given.
Posted on: 24/09/2023

Shorter wait times when phoning the surgery and shorter waiting times for appointments
Posted on: 21/09/2023

Increase the size of the surgery and it’s staff.
Posted on: 20/09/2023

Only a blood test. But in & out in no more than 10 minutes. Very efficient, charming and professional.
Posted on: 20/09/2023

The online consultation system doesn't seem to wb working the last few times ive tried to use it. It would be really helpful if this option returned.
Posted on: 17/09/2023

Actually see a doctor
Posted on: 16/09/2023

Have more appointments at Lowford centre/hub. Make sure that forms for blood tests are available for the hub staff.
Posted on: 14/09/2023

My experience has always been friendly and professional. Thankyou
Posted on: 13/09/2023

Receptionist to patient conversations on private matters are too public
Posted on: 13/09/2023

Nothing to change perfect
Posted on: 13/09/2023

make it possible to get quicker appointments both by phone and face to face
Posted on: 13/09/2023

Advised on arrival there was a delay of half hour which turned into 1 hour which is not good when feeling unwel
Posted on: 08/09/2023

Very pleased with services even though we hadn’t originally wanted to move from the Lowford surgery.
Posted on: 06/09/2023

I got an appointment in good time, the staff were very friendly and helpful.
Posted on: 04/09/2023

Make it easier to call and make an appointment plus waiting times to see a doctor
Posted on: 01/09/2023

Wouldn't change anything I have always been pleased with the care provided at Blackthorn. Thank you to all the staff.
Posted on: 24/08/2023

A little more time with doctor
Posted on: 18/08/2023

Have e consult open out of hours
Posted on: 18/08/2023

More doctors
Posted on: 17/08/2023

Easier access to appointments
Posted on: 17/08/2023

The Lady taking blood was professional and easy in her manner. Helpful with advice . A pleasure to interact with.
Posted on: 16/08/2023

Seen on time, doctor spent time understanding problem and giving diagnosis
Posted on: 16/08/2023

Appointments are difficult by phone but when contacted by SGH I was made an immediate appointment
Posted on: 16/08/2023

My experience has always been good
Posted on: 14/08/2023

Nothing all good
Posted on: 04/08/2023

I was asked to request a routine blood test and though the date given was 4 or 5 weeks in the future, I was given a time and date, on the day I was seen promptly and the experience was a good one, bloods taken by an experienced member of the team. Though there was a delay in having the blood test I am fully aware that in some practices the delays can be worse. My historical experiences of the Blackthorn practice is a good one though I recognise that the practice has changed in so many ways and not all of them good.
Posted on: 03/08/2023

No improvement needed Was given the time and support neede and the care and help required Felt I was really listened to
Posted on: 03/08/2023

Just keep the service going
Posted on: 03/08/2023

Very happy with all aspects of experience at Blackthorn. Can’t fault it.
Posted on: 02/08/2023

To stay with my chosen doctor
Posted on: 01/08/2023

Shorter wait for the appointment.
Posted on: 01/08/2023

My appointment wasn't until 2.5 weeks after my econsult
Posted on: 01/08/2023

Was unable to check in using the mobile app link
Posted on: 20/07/2023

Answer the phone quickly and without all the information about different types of services
Posted on: 19/07/2023

More, easily bookable appointments. Appreciate you are limited by the numbers of GP's working and it is a national issue however that doesn't take away from the long wait between calling and being able to see someone and the frustration of having to call daily if no appointments are available.
Posted on: 19/07/2023

My experiences over the past few years (especially since the beginning of this year) with both Doctors and nurses has been absolutely first class. Quick to see me and on time. The whole practice appears to be an excellent team and I would recommend to anybody locally.
Posted on: 15/07/2023

Nothing - care was timely and appropriate
Posted on: 15/07/2023

Online appointment facility
Posted on: 14/07/2023

I had an appointment with the nurse who was absolutely fantastic! She made me feel at ease and her care was first class, a complete asset to the practice
Posted on: 13/07/2023

It would be nice for the doctor to listen and read the information the patient has taken time to write.
Posted on: 12/07/2023

I think the wait time wasn't ideal with two very young children (twenty minutes) as I am sure if it were the other way around, I wouldn't be seen. Otherwise, doctor was lovely and very helpful. Last experience wasn't great and the doctor we saw had very little interpersonal skills - this made up for it! Thank you.
Posted on: 11/07/2023

Very good service
Posted on: 11/07/2023

Recently I have found staff to be very helpful. Had to have blood test, was offered several appointment times. Nurse on time and friendly, blood test done and out of practice within 10 minutes.
Posted on: 08/07/2023

Possibly make it quicker to get through when trying to ring the surgery. Excellent care from the nurse that gave mum her results. Explained everything clearly and didn’t rush the appointment.
Posted on: 08/07/2023

Quit happy with treatments
Posted on: 06/07/2023

Gabrielle is superb. She is very thorough, reassuring and informative. Lovely manner. Gave me all the time I needed. She was running late but didn't let that affect my appointments duration. Excellent addition to your team.
Posted on: 06/07/2023

Easier access to doctors I had to wait a few weeks but the doctor I saw was lovely
Posted on: 04/07/2023

Less waiting time over telephone calls
Posted on: 30/06/2023

Change of government so the NHS gets the support it needs and deserves.
Posted on: 30/06/2023

Later times for blood tests
Posted on: 30/06/2023

More face to face appointments with less waiting while worried
Posted on: 30/06/2023

This is a large practice so there is often a long wait for an appointment
Posted on: 30/06/2023

Nothing, everything has gone smoothly, it was easy booking my appointment and all facilities were available at the practice and easy to use. As soon as I came into the practice I was able to check in at reception and then was pretty much able to go into my appointment straightaway too.
Posted on: 29/06/2023

Excellent service again.
Posted on: 29/06/2023

More face to face appointments available
Posted on: 25/06/2023

Compared to some tales of woe from friends and family at other practices I can only say that the care I have received over recent months has been excellent
Posted on: 24/06/2023

Nothing. Extremely helpful an efficient.
Posted on: 23/06/2023

Never had an issue. Always able to get an appointment in a timely manner. Helpful reception staff.
Posted on: 23/06/2023

More fresh air in the waiting room
Posted on: 23/06/2023

My experience couldn’t have been better. The nurse was amazing. Very easy to talk to and although I was there for a routine smear test she took time to ask me how I was and discuss other worries I had. Can only give the highest praise but I wouldn’t have expected anything less from the surgery. My family and I have always had excellent service from Blackthorn.
Posted on: 22/06/2023

Nothing for me, the service always works very well and never had an issue
Posted on: 22/06/2023

Having continuity when dealing with the same problem
Posted on: 21/06/2023

Great surgery. Doing their best thought challenging times.
Posted on: 20/06/2023

Quicker Doctor appointments.
Posted on: 20/06/2023

Dont change nothing fantastic and helpful staff, my asthma nurse looked after me very well yesterday, and drs are great as well.
Posted on: 20/06/2023

I’ve always experienced great care from this practice.
Posted on: 15/06/2023

Up until recently, it was nearly impossible to get an appointment without a phone call. This is improving as many people have been putting on Bursledon voice how the systems are not working and where can they go. I feel now that the appointments are working for those who need them. Especially if it is an urgent problem.
Posted on: 13/06/2023

Nothing needs to be changed
Posted on: 10/06/2023

It seems to work well as it is, great care taken with patients.
Posted on: 09/06/2023

Easier access to a Doctor
Posted on: 09/06/2023

Thank you
Posted on: 08/06/2023

No change required.
Posted on: 08/06/2023

I personally like to go back a few years when it was possible to access a doctor not on the phone but face to face
Posted on: 06/06/2023

Nothing. Practice is excellent. I have no complaints
Posted on: 06/06/2023

Doctor's availability
Posted on: 06/06/2023

Make it a Bit Easier to Access a health care professional for help and or advice in times of need
Posted on: 06/06/2023

Friendlier receptionists. They are bit short off hand sometimes patients.
Posted on: 06/06/2023

I am happy with my experience
Posted on: 06/06/2023

Access to a GP.
Posted on: 02/06/2023

I find the doctors and staff very professional and caring. No complaints at all with this practice.
Posted on: 01/06/2023

Make more appointments available
Posted on: 01/06/2023

All excellent.
Posted on: 01/06/2023

Nothing, everyone’s making an effort to make your visit smooth
Posted on: 27/05/2023

Wifi to be able to sign in to appointments as didnt work during my visit- otherwise staff lovely and had no concerns.
Posted on: 26/05/2023

When you get to speak or see a GP they are very caring, welcoming, thorough and obviously professional
Posted on: 26/05/2023

Extremely helpful and efficient under difficult circumstances
Posted on: 25/05/2023

Nothing to change
Posted on: 24/05/2023

Improve waiting times (I waited for 30 mins)
Posted on: 22/05/2023

Nothing Emma the diabetic nurse is effiecent, caring, informative we are lucky to have her.
Posted on: 19/05/2023

Still like face to face visits
Posted on: 19/05/2023

To open up the Lowford practice again.
Posted on: 19/05/2023

Getting an appt to see the Dr so much earlier (but that's not the Practice's fault)
Posted on: 18/05/2023

No Change needed
Posted on: 18/05/2023

More face to face appointments and not to have to wait 3 weeks for one.
Posted on: 18/05/2023

Nothing to add, Practice is excellent and it’s staff very professional
Posted on: 17/05/2023

Excellent experience
Posted on: 17/05/2023

Everything was fine and nice Doctor injection went well so everything good
Posted on: 15/05/2023

I must say in all the years since being a patient that to get an appointment and see someone in 2 days was extremely good and the local I saw was very thorough and listened
Posted on: 13/05/2023

Just like so much of our over worked and under resourced NHS, Blackthorn Surgery do a super job and the very best they can but if I could change one thing, it would be an increased availability of appointments.
Posted on: 13/05/2023

Great service
Posted on: 12/05/2023

Having more appointments available, particularly being able to make an appointment ahead of time. If I’m ill, I don’t want to have to set an alarm to wake up and call for an “urgent” appointment. If it’s something that I just want to talk to the GP about, I don’t want to be taking an “urgent, on the day appointment”. If I’m told to come back in a weeks / months time I want to be able to book that appointment at the same time. This then allows me to sort time out of work if necessary, or getting someone to come with me, if that’s what I want.
Posted on: 12/05/2023

More availability of appointments
Posted on: 10/05/2023

To be able to book appointments online
Posted on: 10/05/2023

Doctors & staff friendly & doctors explained how he could help me with my issues
Posted on: 10/05/2023

Maybe some sort of messaging system that a doctor could read if no appointment available rather than the receptionist deciding if you need an appointment or not.
Posted on: 04/05/2023

You need to recruit a GP that is less arrogant, is willing listen and understanding of a patients concerns. Reception staff are really helpful and friendly and do their best to cover for the inadequate service of the GP. MSK team also very good.
Posted on: 04/05/2023

No changes as treated with kindness and knowledge
Posted on: 04/05/2023

Make it quicker for patients to get through on the phone
Posted on: 03/05/2023

Easier access to a conversation with a GP
Posted on: 29/04/2023

Nothing it was satisfactory thank you
Posted on: 28/04/2023

Make it easier to see a gp
Posted on: 27/04/2023

An opportunity for face to face discussions re ongoing treatment
Posted on: 27/04/2023

I was seen on time, the nurse was pleasant and efficient. No improvement necessary.
Posted on: 27/04/2023

It was an excellent experience
Posted on: 27/04/2023

Nothing the nurses are great
Posted on: 26/04/2023

Nothing we had a great experience with my little ones first vaccinations. The nurse was lovely
Posted on: 26/04/2023

Signposting of rooms is misleading.
Posted on: 26/04/2023

Only having an appointment sooner. The GP was amazing and staff are always friendly and helpful.
Posted on: 25/04/2023

I can’t think of anything at the moment, I am quite happy with the service
Posted on: 25/04/2023

Not having to wait so long for an appointment. Apart from that I can’t fault the surgery.
Posted on: 25/04/2023

Be able to book doctor appointments in advance.
Posted on: 22/04/2023

More consistency. So far i have never seen the same doctor more than once.
Posted on: 22/04/2023

Extremely efficient and friendly
Posted on: 21/04/2023

All good,no need to change anything!
Posted on: 20/04/2023

My treatment has been fine & i have not experienced the long waits , cancellations & disappointments that quite a few of my friends gave experie.ced
Posted on: 19/04/2023

Improve the time taken to answer the telephone. Longer opening times. More face to face appointments.
Posted on: 18/04/2023

Your staff are amazing! They have always been lovely to me on the phone and have always gone above and beyond to help me. I recently saw the nurse for a blood test. She spent time with me explaining my blood results and she chatted to me and made me feel she was interested in me as a person. Your medicine management lady has been excellent. I can't fault the practice in any way. Thank you guys
Posted on: 15/04/2023

Appointment for injection booked in time, did not wait long to see the nurse, Nurse was really welcoming and was very interested in my wellbeing and administered my injection without much discomfort.
Posted on: 15/04/2023

Nothing- high quality care provided
Posted on: 14/04/2023

Not to shut down e-consult. I'm sure it's because the level of them is overwhelming, but more qualified people answering them, or an email to say you've been passed to a GP who knowmore about the subject i.e. menopause. Maybe run menopause clinic in the evening to educateon mass. Freeing up appointments.
Posted on: 13/04/2023

Check hand sanitizers regularly
Posted on: 12/04/2023

Face to face consultations
Posted on: 07/04/2023

Because it’s efficient and friendly.
Posted on: 07/04/2023

I have been having blood tests at the Surgery for 4 years now due to having Bowel Cancer and every time i have a blood test the ladies are amazing and kind and very respectful and make me feel at ease.....nothing to change or improve ....its perfect ....many thNks
Posted on: 05/04/2023

Whilst I understand it is probably not practical these days, it would be nice to have the default option of seeing the same GP each time, to build a trustful and informed relationship between GP and patient. But otherwise I think this a fantastic practice, I've always felt well cared for. Many thanks to all the team for keeping things running so smoothly!
Posted on: 04/04/2023

Nothing. I was very happy with the care I received. A very professional nurse, who was clearly very efficient and skilled at her job. I got great personal centred care. And left feeling very positive.
Posted on: 01/04/2023

Happy with current status
Posted on: 31/03/2023

Why does econsult only appear to be available during surgery hours? I've tried to complete a request at 5.30pm on a Friday and it says 'closed, come back on Monday after 8am'. As the indication is that the response can take up to a day to respond to (ie not instantaneous), why can't I do it in my own time (I work full-time), eg over the weekend, to receive a response on Monday. This doesnt appear to be very considerate of peoples working patterns or ED&I
Posted on: 31/03/2023

At my latest attendance the phlebotomist was very efficient and approachable. The receptionist was very pleasant and accommodating
Posted on: 31/03/2023

Faster access to a doctor preferably face to face
Posted on: 30/03/2023

I think the dotors and the staff run the surgery very well i know that when i have attended the surgery i.had no problem with prblems with the doctors or the staff
Posted on: 30/03/2023

Nothing. Appointment was made quickly after econsult. From helpful reception staff; to quick response from GP; to GP providing excellent patient care for what could have been a horrible experience. He explained everything so well and I didn’t feel at all uncomfortable.
Posted on: 30/03/2023

Nothing it was all good
Posted on: 28/03/2023

All went well
Posted on: 28/03/2023

Making sure the Receptionist answers the initial call in a pleasant manner.
Posted on: 28/03/2023

Everything was fast and efficient
Posted on: 25/03/2023

I wouldn’t change anything. The care I received was exemplary. Thank you.
Posted on: 24/03/2023

Stop trying to do everything without seeing or even talking to patients. The econsult service is terrible, either you fill it out and get a txt message trying to solve your issue without even speaking to you or they tell you to ring up anyway so a complete waste of time, then you ring up and have to book an appointment over the phone and if things dont improve to call back, so you call back and they say we're not doing phone calls today and you'll have to wait 3 weeks for an appointment which is a joke. You need to go back to the very successful way of running a doctors surgery where you ring up, speak to a person and see a health care professional on the same day.
Posted on: 24/03/2023

Nothing, everything was arranged and my appointment was on time.
Posted on: 24/03/2023

Being able to get a face to face appointment more easily When I interact with my GPs I get top quality care
Posted on: 23/03/2023

Quicker appointments
Posted on: 23/03/2023

Very happy now
Posted on: 22/03/2023

To have a named doctor
Posted on: 21/03/2023

The recorded telephone message is to quiet.
Posted on: 21/03/2023

Face to Face Doctor appointments as before covid
Posted on: 18/03/2023

We came in for a routine vaccination for our 3 year old. The nurses were great and attentitive to our children. We've been at Blackthorn for about 5 years and have always been treated with care and respect. If I could change one thing it would be that the staff are paid better, to match the service they provide.
Posted on: 17/03/2023

Excellent, professional service
Posted on: 16/03/2023

If I had answered this last year I would have said most unlikely as the service was poor - waiting up to 45 minutes to be answered on the phone, being cut off several times and on two occasions being reduced to tears by the response when I did get through- once by a receptionist and once by an unknown doctor; also the length of time to actual attend if one is fortunate enough to get a face-to-face. Since this year things have improved on all counts although I think the doctors must be spending too much time on the phone. A family member who was a health care professional once told me that the first part of any diagnosis was looking at the demeanour of the patient as they came in - probably difficult to do on the phone I would have thought.
Posted on: 16/03/2023

See more people than wasting time with telephone calls
Posted on: 16/03/2023

Nothing, the nurse is lovely
Posted on: 16/03/2023

Not applicable. No complaints. Always get an appointment when requested.
Posted on: 16/03/2023

Quicker access to face to face and telephone consultation s.
Posted on: 16/03/2023

More parking!!
Posted on: 16/03/2023

Everything was excellent
Posted on: 15/03/2023

I am perfectly happy with the service that I received
Posted on: 14/03/2023

No gripes,always been able to get an apt relatively quick....
Posted on: 14/03/2023

Time delays. But i do understand the issues involved with that.
Posted on: 09/03/2023

When calling the surgery quicker times for the call to be picked up.
Posted on: 08/03/2023

Training of reception staff is critical.. Offer specific staff or allow available doctors and make sure enquiries are made aware of telephone contact in cases of emergency. Be sure that patients are clearly getting the support they seek.
Posted on: 08/03/2023

More face to face appointments please
Posted on: 08/03/2023

Getting appointments can be bit difficult and have to wait to long but good service from nurses and dr’s once you get seen
Posted on: 08/03/2023

Staff always friendly and rarely kept waiting for anymore than a few minutes
Posted on: 08/03/2023

It was quite tricky to make an 8.40 appointment with a 6 week baby ! Having said that I completely understand appointments are limited so this may be unavoidable
Posted on: 07/03/2023

Not one thing: Blood test taken at surgery by nurse practitioner. Very well done any and all questions answered. Check in was extremely simple, by touch screen & entering DOB. Immediately I was directed to side room where bloods were taken. Prior to appointment I was alerted by three reminders via text. Is and always has been an asset to Hamble. Well done Blackthorne!
Posted on: 07/03/2023

I feel you have probably made some changes as the receptionists seemed to have brushed up their act and are more accommodating, kinder and have much more empathy. Thank goodness
Posted on: 07/03/2023

Service was good so nothing to change .. self check in works very well
Posted on: 04/03/2023

Nothing to change as the care and treatment that I receive at the practice (of which I've been a patient for over 20years)has been excellent, always considerate,polite and nothing to fault, I wouldn't want to be a patient anywhere else!
Posted on: 04/03/2023

Nothing, straight in and out. Very professional and no fuss. Thank you
Posted on: 03/03/2023

Email correspondence vs relying on phone calls
Posted on: 03/03/2023

Nothing that i can think of always a positive experience
Posted on: 02/03/2023

Improve the IT arrangement to make it simple to log on to manage repeat prescriptions through patient access. Make all information easier to read for poor sighted people, even this site. Face to face appointments are brilliant.
Posted on: 01/03/2023

A receptionist with a smile! And an acknowledgment that I am there
Posted on: 28/02/2023

I wouldn’t change anything , it is a very good practice
Posted on: 28/02/2023

Thankfully at the moment I am not a high intensity service user just to say when I have visited the surgery it makes me feel happy to be a registered patient at Blackthorn
Posted on: 24/02/2023

They are ok just simetimes trying to book face to face seems impossible.
Posted on: 24/02/2023

Appointment availability - length of time having to wait for both appointment and blood test.
Posted on: 23/02/2023

Being able to get appointments more easily and not having to wait weeks and also being to actually see a doctor face to face
Posted on: 22/02/2023

Nurses are efficient and caring , highly recommend their care.
Posted on: 22/02/2023

I can't fault Blackthorn Surgery, they have always provided a very good service
Posted on: 22/02/2023

Blackthorn provide an excellent service considering the present climate.
Posted on: 21/02/2023

All ok, really helpful & thorough lady seen but did hear a patient trying to see a doctor & couldnt for a couple of weeks !
Posted on: 21/02/2023

To feel able to see a doctor face to face if necessary.
Posted on: 18/02/2023

Having access to Physiotherapie treatment in the praxis.
Posted on: 18/02/2023

Not applicable, Nurse Martina was lovely. She explained everything very clearly.
Posted on: 18/02/2023

Highly efficient and friendly
Posted on: 17/02/2023

It is a very good health centre in my opinion
Posted on: 17/02/2023

I have always found the practice to be very responsive to anything my family need, we are always able to obtain an appointment and am happy with the service. If I could change anything it would be the process for obtaining test results and feeback as there seems to be such a delay in the results coming back to the surgery and then these being explained to the patients and action taken.
Posted on: 16/02/2023

Provide appointment requests. It is difficult to explain over the phone to someone not familiar with your care the need for your request.
Posted on: 16/02/2023

Very easy to get appointment with reception and very helpful staff both in person and on the phone
Posted on: 15/02/2023

Easier to get an appointment.
Posted on: 14/02/2023

Blackthorn is a good surgery with an empathetic and knowledgable medical team. I just wish there were more of them! As a frequent visitor with complex medical needs, I believe I have a fairly balanced view of Blackthorn. The scramble for appointments and the inevitable 30-60minute wait on the telephone to access a member of the admin team is frustrating but necessary. An unfortunate sign of the times. If I could change one thing at Blackthorn, it would be increased staffing. More doctors/nurses/HCAs would increase the availability of appointments for patients. Hopefully, it would also reduce the stress levels for the existing team by having more mutual support and resources. The NHS’s most precious resource is its people, and they need investment and nurturing, as much as we do as patients.
Posted on: 12/02/2023

Due to the room layout, from some areas, you cannot see the display that alerts you when you are called to a trearment room. This is also a problem for visual impairment. The reception staff do not say you will be called via an electronic display.
Posted on: 09/02/2023

I had a good experience with my daughter recently. The parking is usually very busy though so arrive early for your appointment.
Posted on: 09/02/2023

As I want to see my nominated Doctor following the triarge consultation I would like to have the appointments closer in time rather thann a 21/2 week interval
Posted on: 08/02/2023

I would like to have a face to face appointment with the senior doctors
Posted on: 07/02/2023

Very efficient service. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly my request was dealt with by the GP. I received a response the same day. The reception staff were also very friendly. I would highly recommend the service.
Posted on: 07/02/2023

Posted on: 07/02/2023

Reducing the delay in obtaining a face to face GP appointment
Posted on: 07/02/2023

Nothing have always had the best experiences and treatment
Posted on: 04/02/2023

I had tried to use the e-consult to avoid taking up the valuable doctors time . I even had a private appointment. I’m not sure there is anything within your remit you can improve. Our small personal surgery has just outgrown the village.
Posted on: 04/02/2023

Nothing, got through on phone straight away. Got a call back within an hour by Dr Mark Thomson , prescribed two prescription treatments . Had a blood test tegereable in a week . No delays at surgery for blood test straight , excellent service
Posted on: 04/02/2023

To receive an appointment within 48 hours
Posted on: 03/02/2023

Nothing. On the few occasions I have needed to visit I cannot fault the service received by the reception staff by telephone and the nurses that I have seen for blood pressure checkups and immunisations etc.
Posted on: 03/02/2023

The practice seems austere and unfriendly. Reception staff unapproachable, wouldn't hurt to say good morning and smile before scurrying back to the office. All very well having an electronic booking system via the phone message, but it didnt recognise my appointment. It's about time the practice returned to normal service and offered a considerate and polite service.
Posted on: 01/02/2023

Would like to make appointments at reception as well as phoning up to make one
Posted on: 01/02/2023

Friendly, warm welcoming atmosphere and team!
Posted on: 31/01/2023

very happy with every aspect of my care
Posted on: 31/01/2023

Can't make any comments except I was on time, so was my practitioner and it was an enjoyable experience.
Posted on: 31/01/2023

Keep increasing face-to-face access. It’s first class when you actually get it!
Posted on: 31/01/2023

Not as personal as it used to be but completely understandable given current situation.
Posted on: 28/01/2023

Car parking was an issue., understand this wasn’t necessary the practice fault. Although the check in system link on my phone didn’t work but the receptionist was very helpful
Posted on: 28/01/2023

I have always found the Nursing Staff, Doctors and Staff on the phone to be the loveliest people. It is a shame that I have to wait 10 days to speak to the Doctor of my choice about my injury, but I have to accept that in 2023 this is how life is.
Posted on: 27/01/2023

Wouldn't change anything.
Posted on: 27/01/2023

Ask receptionists to speak up for deaf people!
Posted on: 27/01/2023

The online check in didn’t seem to work for me, don’t know whether it was because I had an appointment with a nurse or not.
Posted on: 26/01/2023

Nothing I have received an exceptional service.
Posted on: 26/01/2023

I was impressed with the service I received from the doctor Arter She was very thorough in my consultation and very caring
Posted on: 25/01/2023

To let people in waiting room know if Doctor,/Nurse is running late. It leaves us wondering if our check-in worked or not.
Posted on: 25/01/2023

See patients in person. Proper care can not always be given over the phone, especially in more complex medical cases. Suffering patients can feel neglected and left to fend for themselves.
Posted on: 24/01/2023

It was a friendly and efficient service. Thank you.
Posted on: 19/01/2023

Nothing - as long as you keep your appointment everything works very smoothly, no waiting , very little contact with other patients and the treatments are very quick and professional. Lots of alternative ways to get a doctors advice when needed.
Posted on: 19/01/2023

Nothing the gp was great
Posted on: 19/01/2023

Can’t think of anything to change.
Posted on: 19/01/2023

All good
Posted on: 19/01/2023

Nothing all staff are very nice to me, nurses I see for blood tests are all chatty as they work and the GPs are polite and listen to what I have to say My only negative is the set up of reception, those flipping chairs in rows just does me in..... U can't even share a smile never mind share pleasantries.... Thanks for listening
Posted on: 18/01/2023

Nothing is broke so no need of fixing.
Posted on: 17/01/2023

All fine no problems
Posted on: 14/01/2023

I would not change anything, the nurse who performed my Smear test was very kind and gentle.
Posted on: 13/01/2023

A brighter, greener entrance with more plants indoors and outside to cheer the practice up. And books on health and healthy living inside the waiting room. The doctor I've seen recently was fantastic and result caring and the two nurses I saw yesterday were very knowledgeable, helpful and efficient.
Posted on: 12/01/2023

No complaints. I had a very professional testing session with comprehensive explanation of the results. Timely and expert service.
Posted on: 12/01/2023

Easy to get appointment and was on time
Posted on: 12/01/2023

The ability to make an appointment in advance rather than having to wait and ring the surgery closer to the time,
Posted on: 12/01/2023

How easy it is to get advice/an appointment.
Posted on: 12/01/2023

Such a friendly welcome for my first visit. The lady couldn’t find my vein initially but she persevered and it was all fone
Posted on: 11/01/2023

After having appointments with both male and female G.Ps in the last few weeks ,I would always ask for Dr Hedges. She was amazing ,took her time to explain things to me ,made me feel i wasn't wasting valuable time ,with the healrh service so stretched . Thankyou so much ,to everybody I have dealt with .its very much appreciated .
Posted on: 11/01/2023

I’ve always found all staff at Blackthorn to be friendly, more than efficient and courteous.
Posted on: 11/01/2023

To feel able to see a g p face to face without being concerned they are so overworked.
Posted on: 11/01/2023

Fast effective and very informative. Professional and caring advice.
Posted on: 10/01/2023

Longer consultation time
Posted on: 07/01/2023

Shorter waiting times to see a GP
Posted on: 06/01/2023

Make it easier to SEE a Doctor or at least have a telephone consultation in a reasonable time scale. I appreciate that current demand on your services is exceptional. The only answer is more staff if that was possible, probably unlikely.
Posted on: 06/01/2023

All in good experience
Posted on: 06/01/2023

Helpful staff, approachable helpful doctor with time to listen and understand.
Posted on: 05/01/2023

Make booking appointments possible at all times of the day
Posted on: 05/01/2023

Quick and efficient
Posted on: 05/01/2023

I’ve always had a good experience at BHC. If I had to change anything it would be to ensure e-consult was always available.
Posted on: 05/01/2023

more non urgent phone lines to avoid long waiting times on phone to book routine blood tests etc
Posted on: 04/01/2023

Service always polite, very responsive, kind, caring staff and always very helpful. The best doctors and staff you could ask for.
Posted on: 31/12/2022

The appointment was easy to book and happened as planned. Thanks
Posted on: 31/12/2022

Quicker response time to phone calls. Frequent waiting time is 15 minutes plus. I don't know if the reason is a lack of staff or a lack of telehone lines but in my opinion it is the only thing upon which i would mark the practice down.
Posted on: 30/12/2022

If cervical screening programme external to surgery could acknowledge pregnancy and therefore send a reminder at appropriate time for call post delivery . Nurse friendly, skillful, made me feel at ease.
Posted on: 26/12/2022

Grateful for the polite staff, from receptionists to nurses and doctors. My only frustration is the difficulty I have navigating your complex website. It can take both my wife and myself an age to find the right place to ask for repeat presentations.
Posted on: 24/12/2022

I’m fairly new to the area and haven’t needed to use the practice very much. The only thing I would say is I struggle to get through on the phone sometimes .
Posted on: 23/12/2022

When making a telephone appointment, the introduction is too softly spoken and rather dreary and lengthy.
Posted on: 22/12/2022

Very effectively treated by both doctors and the nurse over one phone call and an appointment Appointment made for further tests next week
Posted on: 21/12/2022

At moment nothing, I understand your short of doctors so no problem.
Posted on: 21/12/2022

I find some of the doctors very cold in the way they treat me
Posted on: 17/12/2022

One thing would be to have more availability for blood tests.
Posted on: 17/12/2022

Very happy with the service I received. All staff, nurses and doctors are very helpful and friendly
Posted on: 17/12/2022

I personally have no complaints at all but only visit the doctor or nurses when called for injections etc. I realise I am lucky but have used the surgery from when it originated in Netley Abbey and have always been treated with respect and dignity. What more could I ask.
Posted on: 17/12/2022

All my visits have been very good. All staff have been excellant.
Posted on: 16/12/2022

Honestly these guys looked after me and my kids for years and i cant thank them enough. Dr sonpal and dr Thompson in particlar are awesome. But never had a bad word to say about any of them. Except maybe a few receptionists that dont work there anymore!
Posted on: 16/12/2022

More telephone/e mail consultations as sometimes face to face appointments are taken up with things that could have been diagnosed on phone with assistance of photographs via e mail
Posted on: 15/12/2022

My treatment was excellent. No need for change.
Posted on: 14/12/2022

Continuity of care and grouping of routine tests to reduce the number of times a patient has to visit the Surgery thereby saving money and reducing patient visits.
Posted on: 13/12/2022

Nothing on this occasion, it all went well and very efficient at each step
Posted on: 13/12/2022

Felt i was listened to and offered advice ..and had a follow up call
Posted on: 10/12/2022

The care given by your nurse Sarah is outstanding
Posted on: 09/12/2022

Easier access to book appointments ie online. Not I’ve to wait for a receptionist
Posted on: 08/12/2022

The announcement system calling patients to the respective consulting rooms needs to be fixed. At present there is a visual announcment and an audio 'alarm' - but no audio announcement. If the patient is not paying close attention, they may miss the visual announcement. A person who has sight impairment will have no idea they are being called and where to go. Otherwise, I found the consultation experience excellent. A down to earth discussion coupled with a bedside manner that put me at ease and enabled me to fully comprehend was was being said.
Posted on: 08/12/2022

To be able to con I gently see the same Dr
Posted on: 07/12/2022

I would like to be able to see a doctor ,like we used to be able to before covid 19.
Posted on: 06/12/2022

To have greater continuity when dealing with the Surgery..
Posted on: 06/12/2022

Nothing all worked very well
Posted on: 03/12/2022

Ability to provide quicker access, it shouldn’t be a two week wait.
Posted on: 02/12/2022

Nothing. We were very happy. Everyone was very friendly and put us at ease.
Posted on: 01/12/2022

The practice has too many patients and not enough gps, so it’s extremely hard to access a doctor for queries over your medications for example. Once you get to see a doctor or nurse they are very helpful
Posted on: 01/12/2022

My family have been patients of the Blackthorn Surgery for 36 years and can't find fault with any aspect of the level of care we've received. The telephonists, receptionists, nurses and doctors all provide an excellent service and operate as an efficient and friendly team. The surgery is always well maintained, clean and welcoming.
Posted on: 30/11/2022

In these extremely unusual times , the surgery I feel always offers the best service possible. Thank you
Posted on: 30/11/2022

The doctor was excellent only wish appointments could be made sooner.
Posted on: 30/11/2022

Less call waiting times
Posted on: 29/11/2022

I need to complete an e-consult for my daughter, but as it's the weekend I can't. It's not something for 111, (e-consult would advise me to contact 111/999 anyway) by preventing me completing this form when I have time is not going to decrease the GP workload - I will have to find time during the week when I'm very busy. I don't understand the point of offering e-consult if it's only able to be used during surgery opening hours. It just another frustration for patients who are trying to be understanding of GP workloads.
Posted on: 26/11/2022

It’s very difficult to get a face to face appointment which just isn’t feasible for some issues sometimes you need to see a gp not speak to one
Posted on: 25/11/2022

Posted on: 25/11/2022

My experience today was excellence . The locum GP was kind , listened & discussed options.
Posted on: 25/11/2022

More face to face appointments
Posted on: 25/11/2022

You probably guessed already but the one thing that needs major improvement is doctor appointment availability. Once you get an appointment everything else is superb. Vaccinations etc are very well organised.
Posted on: 23/11/2022

Would be good to actually see a doctor in person sometime
Posted on: 22/11/2022

No change needed happy with overall experience
Posted on: 22/11/2022

Being able to discuss more than one medical problem in one consult
Posted on: 22/11/2022

Not having to wait atleast 2 weeks for appointments, plus i ended up with a 2nd issue to discuss by the time of the appointment and means i have to wait in pain for another 2 weeks where ball could be rolling on waiting for xrays/results if dealt with there and then.
Posted on: 22/11/2022

Time in trying to speak to someone
Posted on: 21/11/2022

Terminology used in the practice and method can be confusing. Those for instance whose partners normally lead become restricted. I see confusion and distress at the desk. Is a help sheet or some aid memoir for elderly men who are here to help there loved one suddenly finding themselves at this point confused and somewhat distressed. Being told you are 15 in the queue must raise the blood pressure for the now vulnerable helper.
Posted on: 18/11/2022

Easier Repeat Prescription
Posted on: 17/11/2022

Inevitably the waiting time to see a GP face to face. My need was not urgent, had forwarded photos via link of skin issue ( e-refer was NOT working) but still had to wait over three weeks for an appointment to see ‘first appointment available’ . Where I struggle… only two patients in the waiting room.
Posted on: 16/11/2022

Shorter wait times to see a doctor. This was a two week wait
Posted on: 16/11/2022

Can appreciate how busy the practice is but getting a face to face appointment seems almost impossible at the moment. Sometimes a phone call from the doctor doesn't cut it, making you feel you're out on a limb.
Posted on: 15/11/2022

Make more appointments available without having to fight for them.
Posted on: 15/11/2022

Nothing, i had no problems booking or attending appointment. No wait, very happy
Posted on: 15/11/2022

Great surgery
Posted on: 12/11/2022

Can't think of any improvement in my case although there can be a long wait for appointments that are not urgent.
Posted on: 11/11/2022

Less time to wait for appointments. I waited over 3 weeks
Posted on: 11/11/2022

Very helpful and had a nurse appointment on the same day
Posted on: 10/11/2022

Fine as is.
Posted on: 09/11/2022

Nothing, really good as always
Posted on: 08/11/2022

Nothing! Excellent service always
Posted on: 06/11/2022

More face to face appointments with GP ‘s or if that not possible or likely to be given a more meaningful designated goal so that there is some semblance of continuity of care as experienced for example with the asthma / diabetes care practitioners.
Posted on: 03/11/2022

Very good. Lovely people from start to finish. Did take a couple of goes to get through on the phone though.
Posted on: 03/11/2022

Where possible combine treatment so that patient s have lesser visits. To illustrate this I had a blood test booked. I was also due for aB12 injection. Although 10 days prior to visit I was unable to combine the two and had to make a separate appointment. Why not consider the patient?
Posted on: 03/11/2022

Get blood tests back in time.
Posted on: 03/11/2022

Make the waiting room more appealing Also update the time on the screen, not changed since clocks went back
Posted on: 03/11/2022

More available appointments Service is great!
Posted on: 01/11/2022

For me, nothing. I have always had my health well looked after by all at the practice for whichbi am grateful
Posted on: 01/11/2022

Actually have the doctor have the time to properly listen and not rush you out. To see the same doctor.
Posted on: 29/10/2022

Reception staff are always professional and polite. It’s just difficult getting a g.p appointment.
Posted on: 28/10/2022

My treatment is ongoing but the referral was what I wanted and hopefully Dr will be in touch when the results are given
Posted on: 27/10/2022

I think you all do an excellent job in these difficult testing times.
Posted on: 27/10/2022

Excellent service
Posted on: 26/10/2022

My experience was excellent
Posted on: 26/10/2022

Time awaiting appointment for blood tests etc.Able to see doctor when needed if appropriate.But generally telephone appts are good for non serious problems .Nurses at surgery and doctors are all friendly and helpful in looking after there patients
Posted on: 25/10/2022

To be able to see a doctor more readily.
Posted on: 25/10/2022

Nothing could be changed on this occasion, I was well looked after, and couldn’t of asked for better care.
Posted on: 25/10/2022

Based on yesterday nothing except perhaps better Wi-Fi in reception so I could , more easily say I was there.
Posted on: 22/10/2022

Nothing. It works, why change it. I had an e consult with a doctor and 2 weeks later had a face to face appt with same doctor. In 2 weeks time the same doctor will phone me for f/up.
Posted on: 21/10/2022

Doctor I saw wanted to see me rather than telephone consultation . This is excellent rather than dealing with different Doctors each time.
Posted on: 21/10/2022

To have a named GP. That is not being critical of any of the Doctors I have met, all of whom have been very professional.
Posted on: 20/10/2022

Nothing. I am happy with the appointment booking service, right through to the treatment when you come for your appointment.
Posted on: 20/10/2022

Excellent care and treatment, i have always trusted the GPs and team at Blackthorn, Excellent nurses and health care team,if i could say two negatives sometimes the receptionists can be quite course but not all the time but understand the pressure they must be under. Phone waiting times are quite long.overall really happy with the surgery and all who work there.
Posted on: 19/10/2022

All appointments carried out with dedication.
Posted on: 19/10/2022

I had a phone appointment and in the two minutes and 48 seconds I was granted, I couldn't get a word in edgeways to ask a question so I just gave up. It wasn't a consultation, it was just me being shouted at.
Posted on: 18/10/2022

Visited when the practice had system issues and was still provided with a great service. Dr street had lots of time for me and listened to everything I wanted to say.
Posted on: 18/10/2022

To consult with a doctor face to face
Posted on: 16/10/2022

All went well. Nurses at this practice are brilliant
Posted on: 15/10/2022

Shorten the time to get an appointment to see or speK to Doctor
Posted on: 14/10/2022

Very good service with such short staff due to covid , only one problem was there was no hand gell , the reception is out standing so very patient . And also aloe me to contact my own gp in the hub . Fantastic . Could not have asked for better , the surgery is used so much and looking a little tired . , fantastic that there is a pharmacy right next door . Brilliant .
Posted on: 14/10/2022

Make it easier to make an appointment The wait on the phone is really dreadful,
Posted on: 13/10/2022

I recently had a poor response from a receptionist in the phone. I totally understand that your staff should never be spoken to badly but this should also apply in the reverse.
Posted on: 13/10/2022

I have needed to use the nursing care in the surgery on many occasions for different ailments and general care and I always get excellent treatment. Thank you
Posted on: 13/10/2022

To be able to see a Doctor when feel it’s necessary
Posted on: 13/10/2022

It was a shame that recently flu and covid jabs were all called for at the same time resulting in chaotic car parking. Otherwise no negative comments.
Posted on: 13/10/2022

I wouldn't change anything.
Posted on: 13/10/2022

It was fantastic. Nothing to change.
Posted on: 13/10/2022

I’m very happy with the treatment I get from Blackthorn
Posted on: 12/10/2022

Yes, be able to see a Doctor without the wait. Likewise reduce waiting time on Surgery telephone system or introduce a ‘Call Back’ system.
Posted on: 12/10/2022

Better Wifi in crr we Natref so could check in on line and work while waitin
Posted on: 12/10/2022

See patients face to face
Posted on: 11/10/2022

After covid most of the appointments are telephone and i feel that you can not have right consultation by the phone ,especially with people that English is not their first language to explain the symptoms is very difficult.However i feel more than lucky that i with Blackthorn Heath Centre.Everyone in the practice gives the best service that i ever had.Always they are polite and kind and trying to help you .
Posted on: 11/10/2022

Always gad a good experience.
Posted on: 08/10/2022

A very good thorough appointment with Dr Shah. To improve your service for busy people who can’t keep waiting in queues for 10-20 mins Id suggest the option be extended to not just be able to book for appointments that day. Being asked to call back following day for appointment that day is frustrating when busy I do however accept this is probably to stem the volume of appointments being requested
Posted on: 08/10/2022

Never had any problems with appointments (only lockdown) doctors , nurses and receptionists all very helpful and pleasant.
Posted on: 08/10/2022

Get an appointment tmrntwithin a reasonable timescale, without having to wait half an hour in a phone queue
Posted on: 08/10/2022

To improve the way the receptionist are with patients, they make me as if I i am inconvenient.
Posted on: 07/10/2022

I was recommended to have a blood test, but the earliest date is the end of October, it seems a long time to wait for such a simple procedure.
Posted on: 07/10/2022

Parking, the stress of a 20 min parking wait caused a high bp reading
Posted on: 06/10/2022

No change necessary.
Posted on: 06/10/2022

The above is a ridiculous question. You are a monopoly provider. My recent treatment was excellent although I felt I had to be assertive to get it.
Posted on: 05/10/2022

On my last 3 visits i cannot fault anything. All on time and the Anna and Sarah were very professional
Posted on: 05/10/2022

Reduce wait times for non-urgent GP appointments.
Posted on: 05/10/2022

More access to GPs and on day emergencies
Posted on: 04/10/2022

There needs to be improvement in the reception service - some staff are very rude and very unaware of a patients confidentiality needs The screen in reception has no voice grill and therefore it is impossible for the receptionist to here the patient or vice Versa It means that personal details are being discussed very loudly for everyone to here This is distressing for the patient who are at the surgery worriedcenough because they are unwell
Posted on: 04/10/2022

Very good already
Posted on: 03/10/2022

We have been looked after so well. Perhaps the phone could be answered a bit quicker!!
Posted on: 02/10/2022

See a Gp face to face more often
Posted on: 01/10/2022

Easier access to services i.e. shorten delay to see a Doctor or Nurse. As telephone answering times are between 10 and 25 minutes is it not possible to have a Call back service as some other NHS services provide.
Posted on: 01/10/2022

Increase face to face with the Doctor so that we get treated on time
Posted on: 30/09/2022

When I order repeat prescriptions I would like them to be processed. Many times recently requests have been rejected. I try to group my requests so that pharmacy are not constantly delivering to me single items.
Posted on: 30/09/2022

To realise that older people struggle with technology and often have complex problems so need more time with the doc as we are also slower to absorb advice etc.
Posted on: 30/09/2022

I think some of the receptionists/admin team need refresher training in customer service with a more positive attitude towards patients. I appreciate it isn’t always easy dealing with people, especially emotional poorly souls but a little more professionalism and empathy would be good. It’s not all the team, many are very engaged and helpful but there needs to be more consistency throughout the team. The medical team - HCAs, nurses and doctors are excellent. Once you can get an appointment, the care is good.
Posted on: 30/09/2022

How my heart treatment is progressing
Posted on: 29/09/2022

I have no poor experiences with the practice to date
Posted on: 29/09/2022

Very efficient. All staff clinical and non clinical have been excellent. Could have a more accessible online patient portal
Posted on: 28/09/2022

To not have to wait for two weeks for the appointment. But I did get one, so I’m extremely grateful to see the doctor. Thank you, Dr. Green was excellent.
Posted on: 28/09/2022

The waiting time on phone for appointments.,other than that its Magic every time.
Posted on: 28/09/2022

Staff were kind & efficient
Posted on: 26/09/2022

Getting an appointment would be a good start. And not waiting half an hour on phone to then get cut off
Posted on: 25/09/2022

Quicker appointment to see the doctor and nurse were possible
Posted on: 24/09/2022

Face to face appointments with the doctors
Posted on: 24/09/2022

I had a great experience. No need to change
Posted on: 24/09/2022

Increase your carparking facilities. I had to sit in my car hovering for a space for 15 minutes. We often have to get to the surgery 20 mins plus early just to get a car parking space, which causes the issues. I could walk to the lowford site like a lot of other patients when that surgery was open, which would prevent all the stress.
Posted on: 21/09/2022

My appointment was dealt with very efficiently - Nothing needs to be changed.
Posted on: 21/09/2022

Improve timely gp access
Posted on: 20/09/2022

Reduce waiting time for appointments. At the moment waiting time for diabetic blood tests and Nurse appointments are approximately one month. Very difficult for d we elderly people to remember. Once you actually see the Diabetic Nurse, you cannot fault their professionalism and caring. Possibly too few staff for the amount of patients.
Posted on: 16/09/2022

Make more appointments available And employ more people to answer the phones ,I have waited up to 40 minutes
Posted on: 16/09/2022

Repair the self-booking in machine.
Posted on: 15/09/2022

I was told that when Blackthorn surgery enchantment was going to be enlarged, that it would make no any difference to waiting times for existing patients, but my experience is that things have stayed the same in this respect. But I would not change.
Posted on: 15/09/2022

All good
Posted on: 14/09/2022

The nurses were very informative, very friendly and more than happy to answer any questions or concerns I had.
Posted on: 14/09/2022

More disabled parking
Posted on: 14/09/2022

Nothing yet, I am new to your surgery and only been there once
Posted on: 14/09/2022

To make it easier to contact the health centre by phone.
Posted on: 13/09/2022

The nurses are caring and extremly helpful
Posted on: 09/09/2022

Nothing, I had a very positive experience
Posted on: 09/09/2022

All very positive
Posted on: 09/09/2022

Very good service.
Posted on: 31/08/2022

Be able to raise an e consult over the weekend if necessary rather than have to wait until 8am monday morning .Maybe face to face appointments subject to the nature of the medical issue ?
Posted on: 31/08/2022

Posted on: 31/08/2022

You cant inprove on perfection. Everything to arriving and to leaving was faultless. All on time, Sarah was excellant with me.
Posted on: 31/08/2022

Wouldn't have to wait so long for appointment.
Posted on: 27/08/2022

Give patients a chance to ring back if they miss a phone appointment
Posted on: 26/08/2022

More face to face.
Posted on: 24/08/2022

Politer reception staff. E consult service resulting in direct communication with GP how it was originally, last few times I have used it the GP has responded asking to book appointment with GP, which meant having to phone surgery to arrange this, this resulted in a waste of my time, and the GP reading the econsult wasting thier time.
Posted on: 22/08/2022

No , they all work so hard to give a great result well done
Posted on: 20/08/2022

To be able to get through on the phone more to make appointments and to have well women and well man checks back.
Posted on: 20/08/2022

To bring back booking face to face appointments on line
Posted on: 19/08/2022

Nothing. It was all good
Posted on: 18/08/2022

The appointment was excellent, a very caring and considerate Nurse. The whole process of booking an appointment, the reminders, booking in at reception was extremely professional. Iwas very impressed.
Posted on: 18/08/2022

Doctors more available. They need to see more people than telephoning them.
Posted on: 18/08/2022

I wouldn’t change anything
Posted on: 18/08/2022

Very professional and extremely prompt follow up. Thanks
Posted on: 18/08/2022

Easier access for face to face appointment, shouldn’t have to keep phoning. I do have to say though the doctor I have been seeing has been great.
Posted on: 17/08/2022

Improve waiting times for non emergency appts.
Posted on: 16/08/2022

Perhaps making an appointment a little easier.
Posted on: 16/08/2022

Easier booking system
Posted on: 16/08/2022

Face to face access to the GP's and make it easier to get an appointment.
Posted on: 13/08/2022

An improvement regarding current waiting times for blood tests would be very much appreciated.
Posted on: 13/08/2022

Go back to being able to book appointments on line, I don’t like new way and it’s definitely not suitable for a lot of the elderly
Posted on: 13/08/2022

Nothing the doctor was lovely
Posted on: 10/08/2022

Appointments should be easier to obtain, phone's could be answered quicker, waiting 4 weeks for an appointment is unacceptable.
Posted on: 10/08/2022

less relience on technology
Posted on: 05/08/2022

Less time to answer phones
Posted on: 03/08/2022

To be able to easily make a GP appointment. Rather than having to do a eConsult or telephone appointment first. Also to not have to wait 2 weeks or more to get an appointment to be seen.
Posted on: 29/07/2022

Reception staff attitude, although i am getting used to them and not all are bad i find the level of customer service appallingly low. There are ways of saying you cant be helped and its usually followed by why, and who can help if the receptionist cant. Most general public do not know the internal procedures of the practice and hence when they are faced with a closed answer with no further help they will react accordingly. The sign says show respect to stsff but it must work both ways
Posted on: 28/07/2022

I have no suggestions for improvement as I find the service and care at Blackthorn to be extremely good.
Posted on: 27/07/2022

Reduce waiting times for appointments
Posted on: 26/07/2022

Appointment with the Nurse for a blood test, quick and efficient, couldn’t fault the experience
Posted on: 26/07/2022

Nothing, always friendly and professional very happy with the way thay are.
Posted on: 26/07/2022

Explain, preferably, at the time, why my face to face appointment started 20mins late!!
Posted on: 21/07/2022

I wouldn't change anything
Posted on: 20/07/2022

I wouldn’t change anything. The care I receive from Blackthorn is impeccable.
Posted on: 19/07/2022

Go back to the pre covid appointment arrangements.
Posted on: 19/07/2022

Prompt, courteous, excellent
Posted on: 14/07/2022

Improve access to Doctors.I have been with this surgery almost 3yrs and not Met my Doctor yet.
Posted on: 13/07/2022

Easier access to face to face consultation.
Posted on: 12/07/2022

Not able to complain about your service
Posted on: 10/07/2022

Choice to accept face to face or telephone APPOINTMENT
Posted on: 09/07/2022

Quicker access to appointments
Posted on: 08/07/2022

Since the merger with Lowford more back office staff needed to improve phone response times. Being able to book routine appointments in advance with specified times would be beneficial, even if they are phone calls.
Posted on: 08/07/2022

To see a doctor sooner and a doctor I recognise
Posted on: 07/07/2022

It would be good to be able to see a consistent Dr….The Dr I saw yesterday was unknown to me and does not feature on the website so I can only assume that he is a locum GP…. I was not advised of this when booking my appointment. However the treatment I received I could not fault…..
Posted on: 07/07/2022

Issue dealt with on first contact therefore no changes necessary
Posted on: 06/07/2022

Continue with the positive approach to sharing information with patients about their care
Posted on: 03/07/2022

Many of the Receptionists are not customer focused and sometimes talk to us like we are something on their shoe and why do we have to tell them everything we want to tell the doctor that's if we get to see or speak to a GP so sad but all practices seem to be like it but sad they are no longer customer led. Nursing staff are amazing kept seeing us patients all through the pandemic
Posted on: 02/07/2022

Have appointments available to book on line instead of sitting on the phone
Posted on: 01/07/2022

Posted on: 30/06/2022

My appointment was on time & the doctor was very kind, professional & gave me plenty of time.
Posted on: 29/06/2022

Just been made to feel like a fake and a waste of space and time. No care or understanding, I don’t care if it’s Friday afternoon or first thing on a Monday morning after a heave weekend no one should go though the call I just had to go though.
Posted on: 06/05/2022

I was promised a call back and didn’t get one. My husband phoned about a rash and wanted to talk to a doctor. Told by the receptionist to see a pharmacist. They said a blood test should be taken. Went back to the surgery who said only a doctor could authorise this but they were only dealing with emergencies. Advised to do e consult and upload photos. This was Friday afternoon. E consult not available. Doubt anything will happen but the service from the surgery is so poor I wonder how many people have ended up in hospital or lives have been lost
Posted on: 03/04/2022

I am absolutely disgusted that I cannot get an appointment as I told I have to ring when needed well I need to discuss an ongoing illness plus I can't get a appointment fir my b12 injection which is urgent when I phone I'm on hold for up to 2 hrs and then cut off 4 days In a row then when I go In to make appointment get told I need to phone I'm fuming!!
Posted on: 11/03/2022

Terribly difficult to contact by phone on hold for ages and when you get to the front of the queue it just rings and rings nobody answers
Posted on: 28/02/2022

Not able to get a prescription or make an appointment to get one. Told it was not an emergency, even though it is regards to Mental Health.
Posted on: 22/02/2022

Poor access.
Posted on: 05/01/2022

I have been a patient of Black thorn for almost 10years. I have had such good service over the recent years and when my mum was very ill the service was outstanding and would recommend your surgery to my neighbour’s But it’s such a shame that everything has to be online how a days even to get prescription, what would you do you haven’t got access to email ? ?
Posted on: 19/11/2021

What used to be an excellent health centre appears to have imploded. My own examples are: (A) I've been trying to request a medicines review. I have concerns about some new symptoms. I'd called reception and been told to wait a week before I can even call again to request a call back. This is my 3rd week of trying. The phone system is now "closed for administrative purposes". (B) I've used econsult in the past but can't seem to get in today, despite an hour trying with repeated phone codes to enter, NHS numbers, and now my driving licence. It's a useless application and seems designed to make access as difficult as possible. (C) I used econsult previously (as advised in A&E) to try to make a booking just to get some stitches removed. econsult advised me to call 111. I took the 12 stitches out myself. (D) Following an operation and some very painful side effects I needed to speak to a Dr. After a near-5 hour wait I was called and explained very clearly my repetition of my historical symptoms, I was ignored and mis-diagnosed. I called 111 the next morning and was in A&E within a couple of hours on morphine.
Posted on: 13/09/2021

Great surgery. Never any complaints. However recently I have been trying to get a follow up appointment but with only 1 doctor on this has proved very difficult. It was a very important follow up to me but unfortunately still not had one yet. Hopefully tomorrow I will be a bit luckier.
Posted on: 18/08/2021

Can't see a doctor now so what is the point.
Posted on: 07/08/2021

I would not change from Blackthorn. But if they had to take on Bursledon surgery we could find the situation stretched.
Posted on: 05/08/2021

It seems that there is no possibility of seeing a Doctor for a face to face consultation!!! Why is this when the practice nurses seem to be working as normal??
Posted on: 04/08/2021

Moved here 20 years ago so hard to get appointment with doctor or diabetic nurse now, but can try online
Posted on: 03/08/2021

We have always been treated with kindness and care. At Blackthorn surgery.
Posted on: 31/07/2021

An excellent Surgery, fantastic Doctors and staff
Posted on: 31/07/2021

The doctors are guessing on a diagnosis based on what’s written in the e-consult. I understand that face to face appointments may not be possible at the moment but at least get more information or attempt a video consult before handing out prescriptions hoping they’ve got it right. Doesn’t feel professional or safe at all.
Posted on: 14/07/2021

Useless, can’t get past the gatekeeper.
Posted on: 16/03/2021

Friendly helpful staff, always answer the phone quickly, can get an appointment when needed
Posted on: 25/11/2020

Very efficient surgery
Posted on: 09/11/2020

With the load on doctors just now I was surprised and very impressed to receive a courtesy call from Dr Sonpal following up on my cancer treatment to date.Very reassuring.
Posted on: 30/09/2020

You cannot see a Doctor. It was hard enough before Covid now it seems like Covid is being used as an excuse to send patients to the HOSPITAL. We rarely go to Drs however when we wish to see one it is a impossible task. I will be looking for a more friendly practice that have relevant trained staff answering the phone. After waiting 25mins to be answered. I now await a call (34 hours) after I have called for an appointment
Posted on: 21/09/2020

Dr Sonpal saw my daughter last week. He was very understanding and explained that there was lots of support available to her to manage her problem skin. I thought he would tell her that it’s just part and parcel of being a teenager, but he was very understanding and treated her like a human being. He clearly and impartially explained her options and different regimens. I was very impressed by his compassion and professionalism. And we were given a prescription for medication that we didn’t have to pay for either ! Brilliant service! We are so lucky to have such a brilliant practice in Hamble - and a brilliant NHS. Thank you for all that you do !
Posted on: 24/11/2019